Heejai Park

Heejai Park is a graphic designer based in LA and Seoul. She is currently studying at Artcenter College of Design.


[Selected Work]

1. Sprouts
2. Usps Rebranding
3. Time and Space
4. Kaboom


Other Work

USPS Rebranding

Brand Identity

This is rebranding project of USPS (United States Postal Service). USPS is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government responsible for providing postal service. The new USPS identity system was inspired by the core keywords: fast, connect, deliver, contain, systematic, and safety. Also the new logo resonates with the organization's mission to provide fast, reliable, and secure delivery services, which are essential in shaping the future of mail delivery. The goal of the project is to create a USPS brand with an adaptable system that can be utilized across various brand applications, including logo, web, stationery, motion, and environmental contexts.